2017 Opening Night

2017 Parkin Drawing Prize launch event.

More than 200 guests including art supporters and finalists attended the 2017 Parkin Drawing Prize launch event on Tuesday 1 August at the New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts on Queens Wharf. Wellingtonian Kirsty Lillico was announced the winner. The exhibition, showcasing works from the 84 finalists, will run until 3 September 2017

Andrew and Matt-Pieterse.
Chris Parkin, Helen Kegedly and Chris-Laidlaw.
Helen Ferguson and Ron Epskamp
Lisa Reynolds and Stuart Forsyth.
Kerry Prendergast and Rex Nicholls.
Andrew-Glennie, Tracey-Glennie, Bruce-Luxford and Sue-Luxford.
Chris Parkin, Jamie Selkirk and Ann Selkirk.
Irene van de Coolwijk and Mike Baucke.
Briony and Tim Li.
Emma-kate Moore and Patrick Dodson.
Brenda Young and Carolyn-Henwood.
Jade Holley and Kim Ireland.
Marc Pettie and Greg Chaston.
Nick Parkin and Hannah Armstrong.
Paul Pretty_Rex Nicholls_Kerry Prendergast and Ruth Pretty.
Eleanor Wenman and Cealagh-Robinson.
Lucy Revill and Matt Dixon.
Ruth Pretty and Lisle Mcerlane.
Seraphine Pick and Kathy Parkin.


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