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Making content for display in your region and other regions

You can easily load content for the following:

  1. Local News Updates
  2. Forum – using a blog module to invite comments

In each case you simply click into the display page (where all the posts are shown), click on ‘Create A Post’ and complete the form. It’s easy but helpful instructions are in the top left of the posting form.

It pays to have your copy ready before you post, or type directly to the page. The best format is a Word file. Some files may corrupt the web page in posting, especially if cut from an email or another website. In such cases, copy the file to Notepad, or similar, then transfer. 

Each posted item can take up to 30 minutes to display, so please be patient.

If people comment you will receive an email alert. Click on the email instruction to approve or delete.

TIP: Make every post display a thing of beauty by uploading a relevant Signature Image from your computer. Try to use a different image for each post to make them distinctive. The image is automatically cropped to a small square so you might pre-crop or just allow the auto-cropping to happen for you.

TIP: If you want your region to stand out, become an advertising copywriter and use interesting headlines to grab attention. For example, where you have a headline saying, 'Our awards ceremony' consider something that begs to be read, such as 'You can't beat a good prize-giving in the Taranaki.'


If you wish to post an event, you can choose the following:

Events are moderated by the DOF team so there will be a delay between posting and display.

Notes about selecting Categories when loading posts

Your post is displayed in more than one place in the website. This is triggered by your selection of up to 5 selections in the Categories dropdown (4 selections for events). For example, if you select Adventurous Journey, and/or Bay Of Plenty, your post will find its way to those particular pages.

Please note the following:

  1. Select your own region every time.
  2. Make sparing other selections depending on the relevance of your post.
  3. If you select All Regions, no other regional selections are necessary because your post goes to every region anyway.
  4. Be careful about selecting All Regions or other regions outside of your own. This should only be done because your post is directly relevant or interesting to other regions, rather than just a desire to spread content that's of little relevance outside of your region.
  5. On occasions you might wish to select other local regions, e.g. in Canterbury, you might also select Otago and West Coast.
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