The 2017 Finalist

The winner of the Parkin Drawing Prize 2017

Kirsty Lillico - State Block

2017 Merit Award 

Karyn Taylor - Arc in 3 States
Harry Mcalpine - The Tyranny of Good Intentions
James Thomson-Bache - The Activity
Michael Dell - Valley / Forest
Rohan Wealleans - Skyclad
Kristy Gorman - Lacuna III
Clara Wells - Parramatta Automatic
Jae Kang - 4000 stains of breath
James Robinson - Gnosis
Hugo Koha Lindsay - Forensic cue 1

All 2017 Finalists

Anderson, Duncan - Coffee at Work Three Winter Days
Ball, Martin - Clay-Ali
Barnes, Jordan - Between God And Man (Sun Study)
Bornholdt, Wendy - Drawings wrapped in tissue on archive box lid 260416
Buist, Sarah - City block
Bunce-Rath, Saskia - The beasts run run run, and the cold girl forms in the air
Claypole, Katherine - Warts and All
Cuming, Jonathan - 3, 305
Dangerfield, Liam - Study 04
Dell, Michael - Valley / Forest
EDWARDS + JOHANN, Victoria/Ina - On the Seam of Things - Constellations #1
Ellwood, Matt - Son of Kilmer / Eye of Providence
Falls, Leslie - Dad's Studio circa 1967
Fisher, Lynette - Still
Forsyth, Stuart - Love marks - the Glendavar Street session
Gerrard, Liam - Maw
Gerrard, Liam - Pulp
Gorman, Kristy - Lacuna III
Graham, Fiona Lee - Face Value (i)
Hancock, Thomas - Wonum Flage (Drawing)
Hayward, Heather - Lines Made by Walking
Hayward, Heather - Lines Made by Walking II
Herber, Veronica - Fold
Herber, Veronica - Modern/Grey
Hopcroft, Louisa - Indigo
Ireland, Kim - Theshold
Jaeger, Katharina - Linings
Johann, Ina - Parallel Lines - Mapping another life #2
Johann, Ina - Parallel Lines - A state of being in disguise of an island
Jones, Marilyn - Transmit
Kajima, Asaki - Respiration
Kang, Jae - 4000 stains of breath
Keate, Jenny - Another forest once grew here
Kindlaysides, Verity - Matter Of Fact (Yellow Wallpaper)
Li, Tim - Jasus Edwardsii
Lillico, Kirsty - Untitled
Lillico, Kirsty - State Block
Lindsay, Hugo Koha - Forensic cue 1
MacDonald, Alan - Fractalton
Macleod, Melissa - Mountains
Mcalpine, Harry - The Tyranny of Good Intentions
McCafferty, Nicola - Dark Light
McEwin, Stephanie - The Artist is Present 2
McGorry, Brendan - Again Again
McLean, Portia - Douglas Trevorton Chubb - The Second
McLeod, Rob - Lost In This Landscape
Middleton, Tim - Block
Mitchell, Martha - Lines in the Sand 11
Monro, Cathryn - Sub Specie Aeternitatis
Moon, Sang Woo - Iranian Nomad
Moore, Emma-Kate - Arrow Junction
Moore, Emma-Kate - Saddle Up
Morse, Oliver - A History of Evolution
Mosley, Toni - Terminal
Muijlwijk, Anneke - Safety Plan with Dog
Newland, Gill - Five Stitches and a Turn II
OToole, Maria - Dawn Chorus
OToole, Maria - Slowbirds 1
Parkes, Miranda - Rough Sleeper
Pieterse, Andrew - Fever Dream
Roberts, Gary Warwick - Old Rope
Robinson, Lee - Plastic bag dilemma
Robinson, James - Gnosis
Saegusa, Natalia - Screenshot of couples hands
Shirer, Oliver - In plain sight
Silverwood, Margaret - Hover
Sorensen, Jill - Golden
Taylor, Karyn - Arc in 3 States
Thomson-Bache, James - The Activity
Torrington, Sian - Busting belly
Tuato'o Ross, Cathy - Domestic Abstract
van Hasselt, Janna - Sprinkle Spool
van Hout, Francis - Drawing on History
Wade, Krystie - There Is A Strange, But Friendly Man Sitting At The End Of My Driveway
Wade, Krystie - Universal Rhythm
Walker, Justine - Do undo redo
Walton, Camille - Oneiric
Wealleans, Rohan - Skyclad
Webb, Lorraine - Precipitous Land
Wells, Clara - Parramatta Automatic
West, Robert - Boxed Set
White, Katharine - Redemption
Wilson, Billy - Ancestor
Wilson, Billy - Bomb Site

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