2022 Parkin Drawing Prize Finalists


Rebecca Agnew - The Britney Spears Freedom Galaxy Endowment

Kathy Barber - Plume

Gareth Barlow - In Their Presence You Will Grow

Jordan Barnes - The Artist In Situ ( The War of Art ) MERIT

Denise Batchelor - Mark Making, Slowly MERIT SOLD

Janet Bathgate - Micrographica Anxietacea

Felicity Bergstrom - I Captured Your Being MERIT SOLD

Louie Bretana - Nature Waits Underneath The Concrete

Laura Buchanan - Names Will Never Hurt Us SOLD

Esther Bunning - Celebral Unravel

Esther Bunning / Catherine Daniels - Pixelated Memories

Lisa Call - The Journey

Lisa Call - Aragon MERIT SOLD

Hana Carpenter - Land Body

Greg Chaston - R.N. Barnes

Katherine Claypole - A Temporal Anomaly

Pass the Blue Collective - Restless

Zoe Cromwell - We Are a People of Hope SOLD

Brenna Crump - Boston Terrier

Akiko Diegel - Thinker

Akiko Diegel - David

Inge Kuindersma Doig - Faces in the Sand

Sam Dollimore - Do You Think Dreams Are Shared Space (Let’s Talk About it Tonight) MERIT

Wana Ellison - Vol. 2, pg. 65 SOLD

Leslie Falls - Ophelia and Arthur go to Town Part 2

Nicholas Fields - We Are Made of the Same Stuff SOLD

Stuart Forsyth - Self -portrait

Robyn Gibson - 14 Things SOLD

James Gilbert-Milne - 974:1223

Brett Harfield - 20/20

Raewyn Turner / Brian Harris - Sort

Emily Harris - Down In the Valley By the Stream

Rowan Heap - Tomboy

Vishmi Helaratne - Vishmi’s Web

Lesa Hepburn - Erosion

Veronica Herber - Joy Net MERIT

Veronica Herber - Burnish

Ina Johann - Mapping Another Life  - A State of Being in Disguise of a Cloud/Glitches 2022 MERIT

Locust Jones - Isolation Is Bad For Business

Katherine Joyce-Kellaway - (un)certainty

Motoko Kikkawa - Weathers

Erika Kruger - Freak Show

Helen Lenihan - Scorched Earth 3

Kate MacKenzie - Refugees

Friday Meulengracht-Madsen - MeatSack #2

Rosemary Mortimer - Fragile Worlds SOLD

Deborah Moss - This Is The Place

Kylie Murrle - Metaverse

Samantha Murton - I Don’t Know What The Doctor Said

Debbie Neill - Evanescence lV-ll

Debbie Neill - Evanescence Xl-l SOLD

Gill Newland - Loop de Doo-dle

Simon Nicholls - Rugosity MERIT

Rachel Hope Peary - Scrawl

Robyn Penn - Hold Time MERIT

Roberta Queiroga - The Divorce Dress

Helen Reynolds - Black 1.113 (Doubt and Certainty)

Peter Rive - Untitled (Studio Floor)

Francis Salole - The Ossuary (In Deep Water)

Lea-Anne Sheather - Blessings Bequeathed MERIT SOLD

Louann Sidon - A Kind of Pale Jewel

Margaret Silverwood - Sunflower

Anne-Marie Simon - Sombre SOLD

Madeleine Slavick - In Times Like These

Jo Stallard - There’s Always Something About Gaia

Sian Stephens - Liam Cutting His Hair After An All-nighter WINNER Not for Sale

Jane Tan - Journal Entry  - Air

Ashia Te Moananui - Schizophrenia is the Art of Seeing the Invisible

Emma Theyers - Untitled (Riverton Stone 3)

Cathy Tuato’o Ross - Charites

Briar Tucker - For Just a Moment on the Lips

Greta Umbers - Forecast

Folina Vili - Untitled (hair) diptych

Christopher- David White - Sound of the Crowd

Billy Wilson - Tearing Strips 10

Bonnie Wroe - Jane

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