Ko Whakataha te maunga.

Ko Waitangi te awa.

Ko Tauwhara te marae.

Ko Te Rangiawhiowhio te whare.

Ko Mataatua te waka.

Ko Ngai Tawake ki te Tuawhenua, Ngati Rehia me Te Whiu nga hapu.

Ko Ngapuhi te iwi.

Ko Te Kahuwhero Alexander-Tu’inukuafe toku ingoa.


I am an artist from Te Tai Tokerau and I am of Maori, Tongan and Pakeha descent. After graduating with a Master of Architecture (Professional) from The University of Auckland in 2014, I have been working as a librarian in Aotearoa and Melbourne, Australia. I have recently returned home to Te Tai Tokerau to spend time reconnecting with the whenua, my whanau and art. My artwork is inspired by visiting places in Te Tai Tokerau, including our maunga, awa and moana.

Currently, I am working on a drawing series about the maunga of Ngapuhi. This is the first time I have entered the Parkin Drawing Prize and my entry is a section through my maunga Whakataha. I am looking forward to seeing the works which are shortlisted for the prize.

Nga mihi.

If you are interested in learning more about my work, I have an instagram page which I update regularly.

Ko au te maunga, ko te maunga ko au

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