Architect vs Artist

Architect vs Artist

Main Image.

From a young age I have always dreamt of becoming an architect. Finally, I got to realise this dream by moving from Christchurch to Wellington in 2011 to study Architecture at Vic Uni. The 5 years of study pushed my creativity to think outside of the rhelms of what people (and myself) saw as beauty in the art and architecture world. I found that within the art and architecture I was creating, I naturally gravitated towards narratives as conceptual drivers. These stories and narratives would often stem from a place, person and/or time. Because of this process I felt that what I was creating had the foundation and bones that people from all walks of life could then grasp and understand.

The motivation behind my drawings is to provoke imagination and discovery. The process involves using architectural sections as a tool to express narrative and playfulness using black ink pen.

It is a desire that the images create an awe of how functionality and whimsy can live in the same frame and encourage the observer to get lost in the narrative. Each piece tells a story using situations and personalities moulded together in complex sectional drawing. Architecture and structure assist in the function of the spaces. Therefore creating readable and believable fantasies.
So often we are too busy to look deeper and ask questions of things that don't command our attention and thoughts. As busy people we so often miss these potential hidden narratives. It is my intent that the observer stops to steal a moment in order to understand and discover stories and hidden details that otherwise would be missed.

I entered The Parkin Prize 2016 for the first time and was overwhelmed to find out that I was chosen as one of the finalists. It will never get old, that feeling of seeing your piece on a blank white wall standing confidently speaking by itself. It blew me away to also find out that my entry had sold on opening night.
After being in the gallery for a few weeks I was commissioned to do some other pieces for people who had seen 'The Transparent Hotel' in the gallery. The Parkin Prize gave me an amazing opportunity to present a little glimpse of what I love and gave me a platform where expression through drawing in its various crazy ways can be celebrated.

I was lucky enough to be a part of a show called Sisters put on by Matchbox gallery late last year and am in preparation for the 2017 NZ Art show in June. I am looking forward to entering The Parkin Prize again this year and the possibilities it will bring.

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